Thanka Milarepa


Thanka Milarepa

Handpainted canvas

SKU: 20104346 Category:


Thanka Milarepa

Handpainted canvas

Size: approx. 125 x 69 cm

Interior image size about 43 x 682cm.

Weight: ca. 2000 gr.

Milarepa He was one of the most famous teachers of the Kagyu sect and is very loved by Tibetans. He was the most famous yogi and poet of Tibet. He lived from 1040 to 1123. He only wore cotton cloth in cold weather, which is why he is called Mila. His father died early and his uncle took away all his property. He was forced to lead a life of slaves. To take revenge on his uncle, he learned black magic. But later he renounced worldly pleasures and became a disciple of Marpa. He composed many poems

Milarepa is represented in many bronzes, seated on a gazelle skin on a seat (lotus). He shows short curly hair in monastic robes. He is shown with his right hand raised with outstretched fingers and palms out behind his right ear as if listening to the echoes of nature or singing his realization songs. His left-hand holds a begging bowl

Additional information

Weight 2,000 kg
Dimensions 69 × 125 cm


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