Thanka White Tara


Thanka White Tara

Handpainted canvas

Size: approx. 124 x 67 cm

Interior image size about 63 x 40 cm

White tare

Among the two forms of Tara, White Tara is considered the consort of Avalokiteswara. A few times from Vairochana. She is usually depicted sitting, dressed and crowned like a Boddhisatwas. And sometimes she is considered as Saptalochana or Tara with seven eyes. Extra eyes on her forehead, palm, and feet and lotus flower on one or both of her shoulder. She sits in full vajra posture. Her right hand will be in a touching posture, and her left hand will be in a teaching gesture, holding the stem of the lotus. It has all kinds of precious ornaments and looks beautiful. The practice of White Tara is essentially performed to prolong life as well as for healing purposes.

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Thanka White Tara

Handpainted canvas

Size: approx. 124 x 67 cm

Interior image size about 63 x 40 cm


A (Buddhist) thangka, loosely translated “something rollable”, or something “to roll”, is an opaque color painted
Cotton or silk fabric, often with ornate edging and underweaves.
As a rule, the upper and lower edges are processed wooden struts, often with decorative buttons and two long bands.
Thangkas are used for Buddhist meditation. At home, in parades, but also in temples and processions.
Mostly deities, lamas, buddhas and bodhisattvas are depicted,
moreover the wheel of life or other symbols of Buddhism

Additional information

Weight 2,000 kg
Dimensions 67 × 124 cm


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